[新聞] 加盟《野蠻遊戲》重開機版!巨石強森:我們將會榮耀羅賓威廉斯的名字

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先前我們報導過經典電影《野蠻遊戲》(Jumanji)找來《愛愛上雲端》(Sex Tape)的導演傑克卡斯丹(Jake Kasden)執導,準備要拍攝全新重開機版本,而有著誇張體型萌反差肌肉猛男巨石強森(Dwyane Johnson)以及喜劇泰斗凱文哈特(Kevin Hart),也有意要在這個重開機版本中演出日前巨石強森在自己的 Instagram 上面發了一篇短文,講述他對於《野蠻遊戲》的熱愛與尊敬,他也表示他已經想出了一個好點子,可以讓原本系列的主角羅賓威廉斯(Robin Williams)的角色在這個系列中永垂不朽。

「我有一件關於羅賓威廉斯很重要的事情,而且我也很想老實與大家分享,我對這位演員有著無限的敬愛,我可以跟大家保證,我們會榮耀他的名字,而且會讓他所飾演的角色艾倫派利許(Alan Parrish)在這個故事裡面永垂不朽,而且是以一種又酷又真誠的方式。目前我有一個很好的點子,我想他的家人也一定會感到驕傲。我也相信羅賓現在正在某處看顧著我們,或是笑著我與他第一次在後台的會面,當時我真是個裝模作樣的白痴,連話都講不出來,他用他的笑容讓我平靜下來,那又是另一個故事了…。」

目前劇本找來《空中監獄》(Con Air)編劇史考特羅森堡(Scott Rosenberg)以及《蜘蛛人驚奇再起:電光之戰》編劇傑夫品克納(Jeff Pinkner)執筆。這次《蜘蛛人:驚奇再起》兩集的製作人麥特托瑪奇(Matt Tolmach),以及原版《野蠻遊戲》的製作人威廉泰特勒(William Teitler)監製,同樣使用1981年克里斯凡艾斯伯格(Chris Van Allsburg)的同名小說作為故事基礎,克里斯也同樣會加入監製的行列。

現在最大的目標就是要把巨石強森與凱文哈特放進電影中,雖然之前也有傳出因為凱文哈特的檔期很滿,可能會沒有辦法一起演出的消息,不過在巨石強森這篇Po文之後,看起來是大局已定,就讓我們期待 2017 年 7 月 28 日上映的新版《野蠻遊戲》吧!(Collider

And the #JUMANJI magic begins. Excellent meeting with our director Jake Kasdan, producer Matt Tolmach, and our @SevenBucksProd team to work on our new re-imagining of this amazing story. I felt like in order to craft something cool we should begin where it all started. Award winning writer Chris Van Allsburg’s source material of JUMANJI. Chris also wrote THE POLAR EXPRESS (later adapted by Robert Zemeckis and Tom Hanks) and has a very special & magical way of storytelling. I’m feelin’ good and confident stepping into these shoes as a producer as well as actor to bring you something great that you and your entire fam can enjoy. An important thing that I want to be honest and bring up is Robin Williams. The love and respect I have for this man is boundless. You have my word, we will honor his name and the character of “Alan Parrish” will stand alone and be forever immortalized in the world of JUMANJI in an earnest and cool way. I have an idea of what to do and I think his family will be proud. I also think Robin is somewhere lookin’ down and laughing, remembering the first time we met backstage and I (for the first time ever) was a star struck bumbling idiot that couldn’t even get my words out. Idiot. He literally calmed me down w/ that smile and laugh. But that’s for another fun story down the road. We got a great team assembled already over at our home base of SONY and now we build from here. Here’s another fun part… in the original movie there were three big roles. In our new story there’s now FIVE. Been so damn cool to see all my actor buddies push their projects aside so hopefully they can come play in our world. Should have cool casting announcements this week. Will keep you posted. #TheMagicBegins #JustPressStart #JUMANJI

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