
流量密碼 提供 科技娛樂流行穿搭影劇遊戲電競開箱資訊正妹網紅女神 等各類新聞資訊等,發燒話題永不退流行,讓您第一手快速掌握,快速更新文章及最新消息的發布就是我們的宗旨,只要隨時關注流量密碼資訊就是掌握 流量密碼




Steam 正夯的被鬼抓模擬遊戲《Phasmophobia》(中譯:恐鬼症)有著相當獨特的玩法,玩家可以透過麥克風與鬼魂通話,藉此召喚鬼魂收集證據。


不過,遊戲畢竟是外國人開發的,即便遊戲介面支援中文,對話功能也沒有支援中文語音(如果有回答聲請揍你那愛嚇人的隊友),因此外媒 IGN 便整理出所有會觸發鬼魂回應的英文對話,玩家在使用通靈盒或通靈板時可試著 Speaking English。



通靈盒(Spirit Box)


如同溫度計與 EMF 讀取儀,通靈盒也是初期相當好用的搜證道具,一般最常使用通靈盒來呼叫(按 B 鍵)鬼的名字,如果鬼魂沒有回應,則可試試看其他的問法(當然也有可能該類型的鬼魂不會說話),若鬼回應就能順利獲得證據,不過通常建議是最後再使用通靈盒,以防走不出這棟鬼屋…


  • Can you speak? 你會說話嗎?
  • Can you speak to us? 你能跟我們說話嗎?
  • Make a noise. 出個聲。
  • Open a door. 開個門。
  • Open this door. 打開這扇門。
  • Turn on the light. 開燈。
  • Turn off the light. 關燈。
  • Are there any ghosts? 還有其他鬼魂在嗎?
  • Give us a sign. 給我一個反應。
  • Show us. 現身吧。
  • Let us know you are here. 讓我們知道你在這裡。
  • Do something. 做點事。
  • Is there anyone with me? 有人在我旁邊嗎?
  • Scream. 尖叫。
  • Can we speak? 我們能談談嗎?
  • Would like to speak to you. 我們想跟你談談。
  • Is there anyone here? 有人在嗎?
  • May I ask you? 我能問你嗎?
  • Would you like to talk? 你想聊聊嗎?
  • Are you the only one here? 你是不是一個人在這?
  • Are you waiting? 你在等什麼嗎?
  • Is there anything I can do? 我能做些什麼嗎?
  • Do you know who we are? 你知道我們是誰嗎?
  • Are you happy? 你開心嗎?
  • Are you here all the time? 你一直都在這裡嗎?
  • Are you male or female? 你是男的還是女的?
  • Do you want us to leave? 你是不是想要我們離開?
  • Can I ask you? 我能問你個問題嗎?
  • Can you make a sound? 你能出個聲嗎?
  • Show us your presence. 現出你的原形。
  • Knock something. 敲個東西。
  • Make a sound. 弄個聲音。
  • Open the door. 打開門。
  • Throw something. 丟個東西。
  • Talk to me. 跟我說話。
  • Talk to us. 跟我們說話。
  • We mean you no harm. 我們沒有要害你。
  • We are friends. 我們是朋友。
  • Is this you’re home? 你在家不是嗎?
  • Can you speak to us? 你能跟我們說話嗎?
  • Shall we leave? 我們該走了嗎?
  • Do you want to hurt us? 你想傷害我們嗎?







  • What do you want? 你想幹麻?
  • Why are you here? 你為什麼在這裡?
  • Do you want to hurt us? 你想傷害我們嗎?
  • Are you angry? 你生氣了嗎?
  • Do you want us here? 你想要我們過來嗎?
  • Shall we leave? 我們可以走了嗎?
  • Should we leave? 我們該走了嗎?
  • Do you want us to leave? 你想要我們離開嗎?
  • What should we do? 我們該怎麼做?
  • Can we help? 我們能幫你什麼嗎?
  • Are you friendly? 你是友善的嗎?
  • What are you? 你是什麼東西?
  • Are you close? 你很近嗎?
  • Can you show yourself? 你能不能現身?
  • Give us a sign. 給我們一點動靜。
  • Let us know you are here. 讓我們知道你在這。
  • Show yourself. 現身。
  • Can you talk? 你能說話嗎?
  • Speak to us. 跟我們說話。
  • Are you here? 你在嗎?
  • Are you with us? 你在我們這裡嗎?
  • Anybody with us? 有人在我們這裡嗎?
  • Is anyone here? 有人在嗎?
  • Anybody in the room? 有人在這房間裡嗎?
  • Anybody here? 有人在嗎?
  • Is there a spirit here? 有鬼在這裡嗎?
  • Is there a Ghost here? 有鬼在這裡嗎?
  • Are you a girl? 你是女孩子嗎?
  • Are you a boy? 你是男孩子嗎?
  • Are you male? 你是男的嗎?
  • Are you female? 你是女的嗎?
  • Who are you? 你是誰?
  • What are you? 你是什麼東西?
  • Who is this? 是誰?
  • Who are we talking to? 是誰在說話?
  • Who am I talking to? 是誰在跟我說話?
  • Hello? 哈囉?
  • What is your name? 你的名字是啥?
  • Can you give me your name? 能告訴我你的名字嗎?
  • How old are you? 你幾歲了?
  • How young are you? 你多大了?
  • What is your age? 你年紀多大了?
  • When were you born? 你在哪出生?
  • Are you a child? 你是小孩嗎?
  • Are you old? 你很老嗎?
  • Are you young? 你很年輕嗎?
  • What is your location? 你的位置在哪?
  • What is your gender? 你的性別是?
  • Are you male or female? 你是男是女?
  • Are you a woman? 你是女人嗎?




通靈板(Ouija Board)


通靈板是只有在特定幾張地圖才會出現的特殊物品,其玩法如同碟仙、筆仙一樣,玩家找到通靈板後需要透過麥克風發話的方式向鬼問問題,但注意會消耗 SAN 值。


通靈板的位置通常相當偏僻,鬼魂如果回應的話則會觸發 EMF 獨取儀反應,發問者則會扣減 SAN 值。同時,玩家必須考慮到鬼魂發怒的可能性,一旦通靈板溝通失敗,通靈板將無法再次作用,且燈光會開始閃爍,使用者會大幅扣減 40% SAN 值,鬼魂也將進入獵殺模式。



  • Who did you kill? 你殺了誰?
  • Who is your victim? 誰是你的受害者?
  • What is the name of the person you killed? 你殺的人叫什麼名字?
  • What is the name of the person you murdered? 你謀害的人叫什麼名字?
  • What is your victim? 你的受害者是誰?
  • Did you murder? 你是殺人犯嗎?
  • Who did you murder? 你之前殺了誰?
  • Who died? 誰死了?
  • How old are you? 你幾歲了?
  • What is your age? 你年紀幾歲?
  • Are you old? 你很老嗎?
  • Are you young? 你很年輕嗎?
  • How long have you been dead? 你死去多久了?
  • How many years ago did you die? 你死了多少年了?
  • How long have you been here? 你來這裡多久了?
  • How long ago did you die? 你是多久之前死的?
  • When did you die? 你什麼時候死的?
  • How many are in this room? 有多少人在這間房間裡? 
  • How many people are in this room? 有多少人在這間房間裡?
  • How many people are in here? 有多少人在這裡?
  • How many ghosts are in this room? 有多少鬼在這間房間裡?
  • How many ghosts are in here? 有多少鬼在這裡?
  • Are you alone? 你一個人嗎?
  • Are we alone? 我們之外沒別人了嗎?
  • Who is here? 誰在這裡?
  • Who is in this room? 在房間裡的是誰?
  • Where are you? 你在哪?
  • What is your favorite room? 你最喜歡的房間是哪間?
  • Where is your room? 你的房間在哪?
  • What is your room? 你的房間怎麼了?
  • Are you here? 你在嗎?
  • Are you close? 你很近嗎?
  • Are there any spirits? 這裡還有其他鬼魂嗎?
  • Are you near? 你很靠近嗎?
  • Are you around? 你在附近嗎?






除了上述狀況外,還有一些特定的單字會觸發鬼魂,不過一般來說中文玩家基本上平時語音對話不大可能觸發(除非像 Run 或是其他音近詞)。


  • I’m scared
  • I am scared
  • Scared
  • Scary
  • Spooky
  • Horror
  • Scare
  • Frighten
  • Panic
  • Fright
  • Hide
  • Run
  • Show your presence
  • Show us
  • Show me






流量密碼 提供 科技娛樂流行穿搭影劇遊戲電競開箱資訊正妹網紅女神 等各類新聞資訊等,發燒話題永不退流行,讓您第一手快速掌握,快速更新文章及最新消息的發布就是我們的宗旨,只要隨時關注流量密碼資訊就是掌握 流量密碼
