Intel 公布 Tiger Lake 處理器更多細節資訊,採 10 nm SuperFin 技術與 Willow Cove 架構


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原本以為要等到 9/2 才會聽到新一代 Tiger Lake 行動處理器細節內容,沒想到稍早登場的 2020 年架構日,Intel 已經搶先揭示,採用全新 Willow Cove 架構,比起上一代頻率、頻寬、和 FIVR 效率都有顯著提升。先前我們已經知道這是一顆 10nm 的處理器,現在 Intel 確定將其製程技術命名成 SuperFin。

During Intel Architecture Day, Chief Architect Raja Koduri introduces the SuperFin generation of transistors, combining the advantages of the SuperMIM capacitor innovation and FinFet enhancements to deliver Intel's largest single, intranode enhancement in its history. At Architecture Day in August 2020, Koduri, Intel fellows and architects provided details on the progress Intel is making. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

Intel 公布 Tiger Lake 處理器更多細節資訊

Intel 表示,10nm SuperFin 是增強型 FinFET 電晶體與 Super MIM 電容結合的全新技術,藉由其優勢來提升應力並減少電阻,已實現更多電源通過通道。

10nm SuperFin technology combines Intel's enhanced FinFET transistors with a Super MIM capacitor and an improved interconnect metal stack to deliver performance improvements comparable to a full-node transition, representing the largest single, intranode enhancement in Intel’s history. At Architecture Day in August 2020, Intel Chief Architect Raja Koduri, Intel fellows and architects provided details on the progress Intel is making. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

其額外的柵極間距選項,對極致效能的特定晶片,還能提供更高的驅動電流。新型薄阻障層也將通孔電阻降低 30%,進而增強互連效能。

雖然推出時間比競爭對手晚,但 Intel 解釋,SuperFin 內部的重複「超晶格」結構是業界首創技術,領先其他製造商現有的製程能力。

10nm SuperFin technology combines Intel's enhanced FinFET transistors with a Super MIM capacitor and an improved interconnect metal stack to deliver performance improvements comparable to a full-node transition, representing the largest single, intranode enhancement in Intel’s history. At Architecture Day in August 2020, Intel Chief Architect Raja Koduri, Intel fellows and architects provided details on the progress Intel is making. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

關於全新次世代的 Willow Cove 架構,當然就採用 10nm SuperFin 製程技術,而且是植基於上一代 Sunny Cove 微架構,不僅時脈表現和電力效率都大幅提升,也導入重新設計的快取架構,並藉由 Intel® 控制流強制技術(Intel® Control-flow Enforcement Technology)增強其安全性。

最後是大家很關注的 Tiger Lake,不意外的果然是首款配備新型 Xe 繪圖晶片處理器,以下是幾個比較值得注意的規格:

  • 採用 10nnm SuperFin 製程與 Willow Cove 架構
  • 提高 FIVR 效率
  • 頻寬增加 2 倍。記憶體頻寬約達 86GBs,相容於 LP4x-4267、DDR4-3200;LP5-5400 架構
  • IO-CPU整合 TB4 / USB4、PCIe Gen 4,可替裝置實現低延遲、高頻寬的記憶體存取
  • 多個高解析度螢幕和記憶體之間,提供最高達 64GB/s 的同步頻寬
  • 採用 IPU6 設計,支援多達 6 個 4K30 視訊串流、2 千 7 百萬畫素感光元件;最高提供 4K90 和 4 千 2 百萬畫素影像架構相容能力

The Tiger Lake mobile client architecture, built using Intel 10nm SuperFin technology, achieves a greater than generational performance increase in both its CPU and graphics and adds a number of new features -- all while increasing power efficiency. At Architecture Day in August 2020, Intel Chief Architect Raja Koduri, Intel fellows and architects provided details on the progress Intel is making. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

Tiger Lake目前已經在生產並出貨,預計年底節慶季節應該就會看到相關 OEM 設備。

Intel 高達 20GB 的 BIOS 和技術程式碼流出,好戲還在後頭
