
流量密碼 提供 科技娛樂流行穿搭影劇遊戲電競開箱資訊正妹網紅女神 等各類新聞資訊等,發燒話題永不退流行,讓您第一手快速掌握,快速更新文章及最新消息的發布就是我們的宗旨,只要隨時關注流量密碼資訊就是掌握 流量密碼



T1 稍早透過官方 Twitter 宣布,旗下《英雄聯盟》LCK 隊伍成員 Zeus、Oner、Faker、Kreia,以及 Moment 確診,目前已接受治療,其他未染疫成員亦展開隔離。


在 2 日的春季賽總決賽期間,T1 擊退 Gen.G 收下第 10 座《英雄聯盟》LCK 聯賽冠軍盃,但沒想到在喜悅訊息還不到 24 小時,就傳出隊員染疫。期盼儘快復原,回歸戰場。


我們想讓粉絲知道,T1《英雄聯盟》LCK 隊伍的 Zeus、Oner、Faker、Kreia,以及 Moment 今天測出 COVID-19 採檢陽性,儘管 Gumayusi、Asper、Bengi(教練)、Polt(經理)採檢為陰性,但我們會確保他們的沒事。


他們將遵守政府的檢疫規範被隔離到 4 月 9 日,並在隊上宿舍接受治療。我們會確保隊員們在這段時間休息與充分的補給品便於儘快恢復。

另外,我們會確保 T1 總部與設施獲得徹底消毒。




We would like to let the fans know that T1′ League of Legends LCK team ‘Zeus’, ‘Oner’, ‘Faker’, ‘Kreia’ and Moment’ have tested positive for COVID-19 today. Though ‘Gumayusi’, Asper’, ‘Bengi’, and ‘Polt’ have tested negative, we will make sure they are safe.

They will be quarantined until April 9th following the government’s quarantine guidelines and will be treated at the team’s accommodations. We will make sure that the players get plenty of rest and all the necessities for a speedy recovery during this time.

Additionally, we will make sure that the T1’s HQ and facilities are thoroughly disinfected.
Once again, we apologize for causing any concerns amongst our fans and will do our best to ensure a speedy recovery for the team. 
We ask for your endless support and encouragement during this time.

Thank you.


流量密碼 提供 科技娛樂流行穿搭影劇遊戲電競開箱資訊正妹網紅女神 等各類新聞資訊等,發燒話題永不退流行,讓您第一手快速掌握,快速更新文章及最新消息的發布就是我們的宗旨,只要隨時關注流量密碼資訊就是掌握 流量密碼
