[新聞] 《玩命關頭8》釋出多支拍攝花絮影片


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在溫子仁執導的《玩命關頭7》(Furious 7)締造亮眼票房成績後,確認由《衝出康普頓》(Straight Outta Compton)導演葛瑞葛雷(F. Gary Gray)執導的《玩命關頭8》(Fast 8)也馬不停蹄的開拍,日前官方釋出多支拍攝花絮影片,可以看到馮迪索(Vin Diesel)、米雪兒羅德里奎茲(Michelle Rodriguez)一行人在古巴拍攝時受到民眾擁戴的盛況。

此外還有包括巨石強森(Dwayne Johnson)、傑森史塔森(Jason Statham)、泰瑞斯吉伯森(Tyrese Gibson)、路達克里斯(Ludacirs)、寇特羅素(Kurt Russell)以及娜塔莉艾曼紐(Nathalie Emmanuel)等全員回歸在片場中準備的互動,當然也少不了各式各樣絢麗的跑車。而上週曝光了莎莉賽隆(Charlize Theron)於此片中的首張劇照後,飾演「大砲」哈柏的巨石強森也釋出了全新造型,預計 2017 年 4 月上映。

EXCLUSIVE FIRST LOOK: #HOBBS #F8 When you strip a man of all he has. All that’s important to him. You force him to return to his roots.. and sometimes that’s a very dangerous and twisted place. If I was going to return for another FAST & FURIOUS I wanted to come in and disrupt the franchise in a cool way that got fans fired up and their blood pumping to see a new version of Hobbs and his “Daddy’s gotta go to work” mentality and set the table in a cool way for where the character goes in the future. Maybe it’s a spinoff movie. Maybe it’s more #FF movies. Or hell maybe Hobbs just gets on his motorcycle and rides off into the sunset never to be seen again. Either way, I’ve had a solid first week of shooting, good to be back with the ohana, good to work again w/ my bud and director F. Gary Gray and our home studio of UNIVERSAL, as always have been the best partners to me and my #SevenBucksProds team. Most importantly… you guys around the world will really dig this new version of the role, ’cause as we always say, disrupters dent the universe. #Hobbs #TwistedRoots #1Disrupter #1Savage #F8

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